Available courses

This is a part of the Database Management in Epidemiology module for the public health students of SCTIMST, Trivandrum.

Zotero, the free and open source bibliographic software will be used for these hands-on sessions.

This course is part of the Ethics in Research and Publication module of the core courses for PhD candidates of SCTIMST other than the health sciences. This portion is taught by Dr Ravi Prasad Varma, Professor, AMCHSS. This part of the course covers the foundations of the philosophy of science, the nature of evidence and causality, and the role of ethics in maintaining integrity in scientific research and publishing and recognizing common forms of research misconduct. An introduction to relevant regulatory systems is also covered. 

This is a compendium of the seminars of Ph.D. Scholars.

Each section will be devoted to one scholar each.

The individual section's access will be restricted to the Ph.D. scholar and his/her Guide.

Other members can attend the open seminars (through virtual meetings).

Regular guide-student interactive meetings will be exclusively for the guide and the scholar. 

This is for internal purposes. Details of the project Regional Technical Resource Centre for Health Technology Assessment-India (RTRC-HTAIn) are given here

Intermediate Epidemiology is a 2 credit course. 


1.     Introduce students already familiar with basic concepts in epidemiology to data analysis, inference and reporting;

2.     Introduce students to three basic approaches in data analysis: description, exploration, and hypothesis testing;

3.     Expose students to basic tools of epidemiologic analysis such as crude and stratified analysis, and model building;

4.     Develop the students’ judgment so as to enable them to differentiate concepts such as confounding, mediation and effect modification

It consists of three parts:

1)Part 1: Theoretical aspects of Fundamental epidemiology

The first part will cover in detail the following aspects:

1.     Basic concepts in epidemiology revisited: Epidemiology as a population science, rates, risk and prevalence, measurement and comparison

2.     Deductive and inductive reasoning: The philosophical foundations of inference, induction and deduction as ways of knowing the world, induction and deduction as applied to epidemiological thinking

3.     Study design revised: focussing on survey, cohorts and case control designs

4.     Concepts of reliability and validity, effect measures and confidence intervals, epidemiology as a measurement science

5.     The role of chance and bias in interpreting effect measures

6.     Confounding, mediation and effect modification in epidemiology

7.     Stratified data analysis as an approach to understand causative pathways in epidemiology

8.     Multivariate modeling as a tool in epidemiology

 These sessions will introduce deduction and induction as different ways of knowing the world and how these concepts apply to epidemiology. Important readings relating to these will be recommended. Critical reading exercises elaborating on the concepts will be given as homework assignments and discussed in class.

2) Part-2: Practical exercises using R

The second phase will be a practical exercise involving data analysis and report writing. A detailed plan for these sessions will be provided. 

Method of teaching

Lectures and mentored self-work with examples worked out in class and practice on data sets. Exercises will be given as homework.

3) Part 3: Emerging field in Epidemiology 

Emerging fields such as molecular epidemiology will be discussed. 

Course Evaluation

Will be based on: 

·       Written examination for 70 marks (Part-1)

 ·       Assignments for 30 marks

 Ø  Part 2 – 20 marks – Practical exercises using R – 10 marks for generation of tables and interpretation, 10 marks for interpretation of the output10 marks – Emerging fields

 Ø  Part 3- Assignments of emerging topics 

Final grade will reflect the student’s comparative position in the class as also his/ her overall performance.

1) Understand the philosophy and organization of healthcare system in India
2) Analyze major national health programs from a public health perspective.
3) Evaluate health care system functioning in different states, organizations and institutions.
4) Explore and identify critical gaps and probable solution

These are some introductory lectures for public health students.

This course - "Introduction to Epidemiology" has three 3 credits. The first phase of the course on this platform covers 2 credits; the second phase covers 1 credit and is for Database Management (taught by Prof Biju Soman)

Objectives of the course

1. Introduce students to the subject and methods of Epidemiology, emphasizing how it forms one of the foundations of public health practice and research;

2. Emphasize the distinctive components of the epidemiological approach: measurement, comparison, and inference, as well as the different roles of epidemiology in description of a situation, looking for trends over time, exploring associations, predicting outcomes, investigating epidemics, and establishing causal links in disease occurrence;

3. Introduce students to elements of epidemiological study design, and basic concepts such as reliability, validity, bias, and confounding; and

4. Introduce some of the basic software for epidemiological data analysis.

Teaching format

Each class meeting will be supported by readings, and/or exercises. The exercises are for practice. Students are encouraged to attempt them and get them evaluated for their learning; but the marks will not count for the evaluation.

Course Evaluation

This will be based on written examination for 70 marks. Marks from Database Management (taught by Prof Biju Soman) for 30 marks will be added to this. The final grade will reflect the student’s comparative position in the class as also their overall performance. The final grades will be prepared only after the evaluation of the Database Management course.

Field activity

Depending on feasibility, some epidemiological data collection exercises may be included as a field activity that may also serve as a preparation for the 'Health care system in India' course.

This is a one credit module which introduces participants to the use of medical anthropological approaches for the study of particular health conditions and/or systems

Govt. of India has come up with a uniform protocol for clinical management of COVID-19 cases.

The Government of India (Ministry of Health & Family Welfare) has entrusted SCTIMST as the Regional Centre of Excellence in helping the state/UT of Kerala, Lakshadweep, and Andaman,  in the conduct of online training for their district-level functionaries in coordination with the state/UT’s (D.O.No.AS(H)/MoHFW/2021 dated April 30, 2021).

The Directorate of Health Services, Kerala, has adopted the guidelines to suit the Kerala context and is being offered as a short course for the clinical doctors practicing in the state.

The short course is a convenient repository of the various authentic materials in this line and offers a  certificate for the successful takers at the end of each module.

This is a collaborative venture of SCTIMST and NHM officials of Kerala, Lakshwadeep, and Andaman & Nicobar Islands.

This is the in-service training for doctors working with the Dept. of Health and Family Welfare, Govt. of Kerala on Health Technology Assessment. Enrollment is restricted to government doctors from the Kerala state health department or the National Health Mission Kerala, deputed for the workshop series.

RRH-HTAIn-SCTIMST conducts the training in collaboration with the National Health Mission, Kerala, Department of Health, Kerala and the Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences & Technology, Trivandrum. 

There are eight sessions, each of 90 minutes duration from 2:30-4:00 PM on the second and fourth Tuesdays for two months.  Certificates will be given to the participants who complete all eight sessions and completes the given assignments & tests.

This module introduces some of the useful softwares for database management.  The module is designed for the first year students of MPH program at AMCHSS

The course aims at building recognition of the various concepts of ethical issues in health research and enablng participants to use methods of ethical analysis for decision making.

Course objectives:

The participants will be able to:

1.       To recognise the various concepts of ethical issues in health research

2.       To have knowledge of the existing guidelines for ethics in health research and

3.       To identify and use the ethical principles for decision making


Methods of teaching:

On line Lectures, case study discussions, audio-visual material and case study discussions.




Existing ethical guidelines (soft copies)

Readings for each session (soft copies)

Viewing of films (mandatory and optional)

Case studies (these will be emailed)

Course objectives:

The participants will be able to:

1.       To recognise the various concepts of ethical issues in health research

2.       To have knowledge of the existing guidelines for ethics in health research and

3.       To identify and use the ethical principles for decision making


Methods of teaching:

On line Lectures, case study discussions, audio-visual material and case study discussions.




Existing ethical guidelines (soft copies)

Readings for each session (soft copies)

Viewing of films (mandatory and optional)

Case studies (these will be emailed)


To enable public health professionals to incorporate ethical reasoning into the practice of public health


  1. To sensitise participants to the ethical issues that come up in the course of public health practice
  2. To facilitate ethically informed decisions, policies and programmes
  3. To equip participants with skills to advocate for ethical decision making 

This module covers main principles of Infectious Disease Epidemiology and its current trends. This module is designed for the second year students of MPH programme at AMCHSS

Introductory lectures by Dr Biju Soman

Modelling Infectious Diseases using the principles of reproducible research.

This module is created as a supplementary resource to the session taken by Dr Biju Soman on 25 June 2020 for the Faculty Development Program(FDP) at the School of Public Health at the Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology(KIIT). Bhubaneswar, India.

This year we shall focus on the following four themes

  1. Public Health Informatics
  2. Spatial Epidemiology with hands-on training on the use of Geographic Information System(GIS) tools
  3. Health Technology Assessment (HTA) initiatives
  4. Telemedicine and public health

Module outlay

We shall have two hour-long online sessions as per the schedule.  There will be a break for half an hour after the first 45 minutes. 

The link for the interactive sessions will be the same (https://vclass.sctimst.ac.in/b/dr--adz-em3 ) throughout the duration of the module.

The first session will be more of a lecture/theory and the second half will be more of a practical or interactive session. 

Lead Instructor: 

Dr. Biju Soman MD, Professor, AMCHSS

Other Instructors: 

Dr. Gurpreet Singh MDPh.D. scholar, AMCHSS

Dr. Antony Stanley MDPh.D. scholar, AMCHSS

Some of the sessions will be handled by guest faculty/ visiting faculty.

 This course aims to enable participants to identify the need for qualitative research in public health and develop the skills to undertake qualitative research.

The course consists of three  modules, the introductory module, the applications module and the analysis module. 

Introduction: Introduction to the relevance of qualitative methods in public health research, the anthropologist’s worldview, and the various methods available.

Applications: Ethnographic interviews, observations (participant and non-participant), group interviews and discussions, other methods less used such as case studies, pile sorts, ethno-physiological representations, etc

Analysis: Translation and transcription, coding, thematic linking and introduction to computer based qualitative data analysis.

We organize public health seminars in order to bring attention to recent developments in public health or to bring light to innovative approaches in public health interventions.  In these sessions, one or more key personalities in public health will make short presentations. This will be followed by a Q & N session.

Apart from students and faculty from SCTIMST, we invite interested participants like students, academicians, policymakers, administrators, interested media persons, and public health activists to these sessions.

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